Tags are affixed to sea turtles by programs around the world to learn more about many aspects of their biology including migratory patterns, growth rates, survival, and reproductive output.

Most external tags are applied to one or more of the turtle’s flippers and carry an identification code of letters and numbers, a return address, and, sometimes an offer of a reward for the return of the tag. External tags are either made of plastic of various colors or non-corrosive metal alloys. See the accompanying pictures for examples of tags.
Information on sightings of tagged turtles is critical information for these studies. If you see a turtle with a tag, please do the following.
- Record the tag number and return address from the tag.
- Send the tag number and tag, if it is available, to the address on the tag along with the following information:
- Your name and contact information
- Date on which the turtle was seen
- Location where the turtle was seen
- Fate of the turtle (for example, alive when last seen, found dead, captured by fishers)
- Any specifics about the turtle (such as apparent cause of death)
- Pictures of the turtle are very useful

Please do NOT remove the tag if the turtle is alive and will be released. Subsequent sightings of the tagged turtle can yield even more information.
If you do not know to whom to send the information, send the tag number and information to us, and we will forward the information to the appropriate people. You will receive the information about when and where the turtle was tagged.
Send the tags and information to:
Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research
PO Box 118525
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611 USA
Email: accstr@ufl.edu
Telephone: +1 352.392.1250